Tag Archives: WordPress

Why I am A Niche Blogger

26 Sep

I have seen countless people who write about pretty much anything, my wife is one of those plagued by word vomit we call it, then we have people like myself  who will blog about one or maybe two different subjects and so we are labelled “niche bloggers”, to me that is like saying that people with word vomit blog simply to get hits on their sites. Now before anyone starts I’m not criticising bloggers at all some articles that I have read have been really informative whilst others have melted my heart. In fact I have never read a bad blog post. Continue reading

The First Day of School by Amy from amumsmadness.com

8 Sep

Well, I was having blogging withdrawal after someone saw fit to report me to WordPress and I now have no posting capability. Dan very kindly made me a user so I could get it off my chest.

I am fuming. I have 2 guest posts to go up and nothing scheduled for tomorrow. Then there’s the fact my little girl started school today, I can’t even write about that and share the pictures. So I’m sharing them here

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